Periodontitis is the chronic inflammation of the gums.
In periodontology, we focus on the supporting structures of the teeth, which consist of various parts. The most common disease of the so-called periodontium is periodontitis, an inflammation that affects all parts of the supporting structures of the teeth. There is a risk that the teeth may lose their support and, in the worst case, fall out. Therefore, it is important to treat periodontitis early. In our dental practice in Berlin-Friedrichshain, we offer professional periodontal therapy.

What is periodontosis?
The term "periodontology" refers to the study of the periodontium, which is the supporting structure of the teeth. "Periodontosis" or "periodontitis" is a term used to describe inflammation of the gums, which can lead to the loss of one or more teeth. This condition is caused by bacteria that colonize the surfaces of the teeth. If the inflammation persists, it can spread to the surrounding connective tissue and even to the jawbone.
The problem is that many patients only notice symptoms of periodontosis in the advanced stages, allowing the disease to progress further. Therefore, regular check-up appointments at the dental office are essential, as periodontosis is most effectively treated in its early stages.
Causes of Bacterial Gum Inflammation
Periodontitis is triggered by deposits on the surfaces of teeth and in the spaces between teeth (plaque). There can be several causes for the formation of these deposits:
Poor Dental Hygiene: Inadequate dental care leads to insufficient removal of bacteria in the mouth, allowing them to gradually accumulate on the tooth enamel.
Weakened Immune System: A healthy immune system works to kill bacteria in the body before they can cause harm. However, if the immune system is weakened, it may no longer be able to effectively combat pathogens in the mouth.
Unhealthy Diet: The foods you consume daily greatly influence dental health. Particularly, foods high in sugar can damage the teeth and pave the way for deposits, which in turn cause gum inflammation.
Moreover, jaw misalignments or conditions such as diabetes, stress, or pregnancy can also contribute to the development of periodontosis. Some individuals may simply have a predisposition to gum diseases.
Recognizing Symptoms of Periodontosis
The characteristics of periodontosis are relatively clear. The first sign you notice is redness of the gums, which may cause little or no pain. As the disease progresses, further symptoms develop:
Dark red discoloration of the gums
Severe sensitivity to cold and heat
Swelling of the gums
Gum bleeding Bad breath
Gum recession
As periodontosis progresses, the gums recede more and more until the tooth necks are exposed. This leads to loose teeth, dental misalignments, and ultimately tooth loss.
Why is timely periodontosis treatment so important?
Periodontosis affects not only the gums but the entire tooth support apparatus. This includes the gums, jawbone, tooth root surface, and collagen fibers. All of these areas can be affected by inflammation and severely damaged. The earlier the inflammation is treated, the better the prognosis for gum regeneration.

Moreover, periodontitis not only endangers the teeth and gums but can also spread to the entire body. In advanced periodontitis, bacteria can circulate throughout the body, increasing the risk of heart disease, rheumatism, and diabetes.
What risks does periodontosis pose?
Untreated periodontosis poses a significant health risk. The diseased gum pockets resemble open wounds through which bacteria can enter the bloodstream. The teeth themselves lose their support due to periodontosis. This can lead to shifts in surrounding teeth and irreversible tooth loss.
Early Detection of Periodontitis at our Implant Clinic in Los Angeles, Sherman Oaks.
As part of regular check-up examinations, we can detect periodontitis in a timely manner and initiate appropriate treatment. Nowadays, there are also specific test procedures that can detect an enzyme indicating infection sites. An elevated concentration of this enzyme strongly suggests periodontosis.
Periodontosis Treatment: How is periodontitis treated by the dentist?
The goal of periodontosis treatment is to stop the inflammation and strengthen the tooth support apparatus. To determine the extent of the inflammation, the so-called PSI (Periodontal Screening Index) is used. This value helps to assess the severity of symptoms. The scale ranges from PSI 0 (no symptoms) to PSI 4 (gum pockets > 5.5mm). The subsequent periodontosis therapy is tailored to this parameter.
Treatment Step 1: Anamnesis
Before we can remove the inflammation from the gums, we need to eliminate any factors that may hinder the periodontosis treatment. This includes factors such as cavities or porous dental fillings.
Treatment Step 2: Professional Teeth Cleaning
Prior to the actual periodontosis treatment, we perform a professional teeth cleaning in our dental practices in Yerevan. At the same time, we determine your individual risk factors and inform you about how to avoid them in the future. Factors such as a one-sided diet, underlying diseases, or poor oral hygiene should ideally be addressed before the periodontosis treatment.
Treatment Step 3: Closed Periodontosis Treatment
Now comes the actual periodontosis treatment, where the deposits and hard plaque below the gum line are removed. We use specialized tools and local anesthesia during the closed periodontosis treatment, ensuring that our patients experience the procedure painlessly.
When is an open periodontosis treatment necessary?
In cases of highly advanced periodontitis, an open periodontosis treatment may be necessary. In this scenario, the gum tissue needs to be opened to access and remove the infection. When gum pockets are particularly deep, it indicates that a closed periodontosis treatment may not achieve the desired results.
Once the periodontosis treatment is completed, lifelong follow-up care is necessary. Patients should attend their annual check-ups and undergo professional teeth cleaning at regular intervals.
How can I prevent periodontosis?
A good oral hygiene is the most important prevention measure you can take at home. Additionally, we recommend getting a professional teeth cleaning done at least 2 to 3 times a year to thoroughly remove bacteria from both the tooth surface and the gum pockets. This, combined with good oral hygiene, can help prevent future inflammations.

Understanding Periodontitis: Key Information"
riodontitis is a chronic inflammatory condition that affects the gum tissues and supporting structures of the teeth.​
If left untreated, periodontitis can lead to gum recession, bone loss around the teeth, and eventually tooth loss.
Common risk factors for periodontitis include poor oral hygiene, smoking, diabetes, genetic predisposition, and certain medications. Early detection and treatment are crucial for preventing the progression of the disease.